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a little this and that
i love both of these. 1 _ from the latest collection of sollis . via ecco eco . 2 _ from tutankhamun's embalming cache (it's made of...
this is a millais . i would never have guessed. okay, maybe the red hair... why did he paint all that cheesy crap if he could paint like thi...
just talking to myself: but what if i don't want this new type of picture gallery in blogger? i wanna see things up close. sheesh. okay,...
i like it marbled, i still do
1, 6 _ vintage 19th century marbled papers, gloster pattern and turkish pattern, via bibliodissey . 2, 5 _ bachgärde design . 3 _ paul smith...
seems that i'll have to spend most of my next two weeks with some serious, serious studying. art history, that is... again. alongside wo...
looks _ mina perhonen
so good. i also like the rather minimalistic jewelry. mina perhonen autumn/winter 2011-12. photos by norio kidera a film presenting the col...
i've browsed my old inspirational files. so here's some inspiration from 2008 and 2009. i still ike these. how to climb in style: bi...
would wear
i once painted a pair of jeans with white wall paint. it got rock solid after it dried, so i couldn't walk or sit in it. i thought washi...
if i was to shop at plümo
i don't know plümo , (just found it through agus' pinterest ) but these seem to be very nice and super cheap. so if i was to shop at...
1 _ jourdan dunn photographed by david sims for vogue us, via . 2 _ photo by studio christoph sagel , found through lena's ko...
Blog Archive
i like it marbled, i still do
an identity that i like _ hellome for troberg
moods for the summer of '12
would wear
looks _ mina perhonen
free scarves from wubet
the quilted coat
color combo
i'm back!
two things
i like the idea _ white relief with strips of black
a little this and that
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a little this and that
i love both of these.
1 _ from the latest collection of
. via
ecco eco
2 _ from tutankhamun's embalming cache (it's made of flowers and seeds, things like that)
(i think it's small wonder that it did stay with us)... even
more here at abigail dolan's blog
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